The invest suite supports
product managers and central offices

to manage diverse competencies and offices
to implement investment and product strategies
to define legally-complaint processes
The invest suite empowers
securities advisors

to determine and evaluate customer data according to the law
to provide comprehensive advice in the area of securities portfolios
to prepare appealing consultation documents
Powerful function package
Risk profiling, historical figures, profit/loss consideration, risk/performance analysis, scenarios, value fluctuations, Markowitz optimisation, value-at-risk, and many others.
Standardized yet flexible
By configuration we modify the visual appearance, function areas, and even mathematical parameters according to your wishes. Thereby a big part of the additional costs usually associated with satisfying individual requirements.
Integrated securities information service
Our invest suite is supplied with daily updated securities data by
T.E.D., our in-house data service. This way you achieve results of the highest quality possible for your analysis and recommendations.